We work with very dif­fe­rent musi­cal instruments.
The com­pu­ter is unders­tood and used as a musi­cal instru­ment. As far as pos­si­ble we work with free software.
As part of our pro­ject, we are also deve­lo­ping free­ly acces­si­ble soft­ware instru­ments desi­gned for tea­ching elec­tro­nic music.

free music software

Our instru­ments are released as free soft­ware under the GNU GPL ver­si­on 3. This means that anyo­ne can down­load them for free, use them artis­ti­cal­ly or edu­ca­tio­nal­ly, spread them, chan­ge them and expand them.

for beginners

Our instru­ments are inten­ded to give beg­in­ners – espe­ci­al­ly young peo­p­le and child­ren from around the age of 9 – a simp­le and free intro­duc­tion to making music with the com­pu­ter. Abo­ve all, the basic prin­ci­ples of elec­tro­nic music, e.g. the struc­tu­re of elec­tro­nic musi­cal instru­ments and the func­tio­ning of effects, should be conveyed.

and professionals

Our instru­ments are not only sui­ta­ble for beg­in­ners. Used cor­rect­ly, they can be used to deve­lop very com­plex instru­ments and pieces.

our instruments


The lev­Tools are a modu­lar kit for the elec­tro­nic gene­ra­ti­on and pro­ces­sing of sounds. Modu­lar becau­se the soft­ware con­sists of many indi­vi­du­al parts that are put tog­e­ther and used in a wide varie­ty of com­bi­na­ti­ons... Read More