contemporary music pedagogy

Music cul­tu­re is con­stant­ly chan­ging. Elec­tro­nic media in par­ti­cu­lar is curr­ent­ly sha­ping the way we crea­te, hear, under­stand and exch­an­ge music. Con­tem­po­ra­ry music pedago­gy should take the­se chan­ges into account, pre­cis­e­ly becau­se new media brings diver­se and exci­ting new musi­cal and pedago­gi­cal possibilities

Projektwochen, AGs & Workshops

We deve­lop work­shops, pro­ject weeks and working groups for and with schools and other cul­tu­ral or edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons. The­se can be very diver­se and do not mean that lear­ners only sit in front of a screen..

training courses

In addi­ti­on we sup­port music tea­chers who want to expand their know­ledge and skills working with digi­tal music media techniques..

Are you interested? Feel free to contact us.