
Lucia­na is a music pro­du­cer and sound artist.

Born in Belo Hori­zon­te, Lucia­na da Cos­ta Amo­rim was acti­ve in the elec­tro­nic music sce­ne of her home­town in the 1990s and later beca­me part of the under­ground music and par­ty sce­ne in Sao Pau­lo. In her master's the­sis in poli­ti­cal sci­ence, she explo­red poli­ti­cal per­spec­ti­ves within Brazil's elec­tro­nic dance music cul­tu­re. Sub­se­quent­ly, Lucia­na star­ted pro­du­cing tech­no influen­ced by Sam­ba groo­ves under the artist name Heli­pon­to. She released her first album, "Ele­tro­nia," in 2008 on her own label, "Tupy."

In 2019 she com­ple­ted ano­ther master's degree in Sound Stu­dies at the UDK Ber­lin. For her the­sis, she deve­lo­ped a mul­ti-chan­nel sound per­for­mance based on sam­ple recor­dings from Ber­lin con­s­truc­tion sites. Lucia­na cura­ted and led various work­shops with a focus on music and tech­no­lo­gy, sin­ce 2019 she has also been acti­ve as a work­shop lea­der for lev.