

Piotr is a mul­ti-instru­men­tal elec­t­ro per­for­mer and musicologist.

The goal of Piotr's work for lev is to empha­si­ze that the­re are no boun­da­ries in making music and no distinc­tion bet­ween "right and wrong," but rather bet­ween "inte­res­t­ing and unin­te­res­t­ing." When music is genui­ne­ly unin­te­res­t­ing, Piotr likes to ask the ques­ti­on: What needs to be chan­ged to make it interesting?


#Music­Tech­no­lo­gy #Recor­ding­Stu­dio #Liv­e­Per­for­mance #Syn­ths #Elec­t­ro #Ambient+Noise


After com­ple­ting his Bachelor's degree in Music and Phi­lo­so­phy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Olden­burg and enga­ging in music edu­ca­ti­on, Piotr Nied­zwiecki moved to Ber­lin to pur­sue musi­co­lo­gy. His stu­dies focus on elec­tro­nic music in histo­ry, theo­ry, and prac­ti­ce, as well as the media­ti­on of elec­tro­nic music. In addi­ti­on to working as an instru­men­tal tea­cher for gui­tar, bass, and accor­di­on, Piotr, with his know­ledge of the Polish lan­guage, has con­duc­ted various work­shop for­mats with a focus on music and sound art during Ger­man-Polish youth encoun­ters. As a con­tri­bu­tor to the band "Antän­ne," along with Mar­ten, he con­tri­bu­tes to the distinc­ti­ve sound of the band through the use of various elec­tro­nic sound gene­ra­tors. Piotr has gai­ned diver­se expe­ri­en­ces both on and behind the stage through band and thea­ter pro­jects. He has work­ed as a sound desi­gner and audio tech­ni­ci­an for the recor­ding stu­dio at the Insti­tu­te for Music at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Olden­burg, as well as in inde­pen­dent pro­duc­tions for thea­ter and puppetry. 


Band­camp von Antänne 
