
flexible electronic music lessons

what you want

stu­dents and tea­chers deter­mi­ne tog­e­ther which con­tent is to be focu­sed on and when. Below you will find an over­view of our topics. You tell us whe­re you want to go and we will find the right tea­cher for you from our net­work of musicians.

whenever you want

the cour­ses can be sche­du­led as it suits you: one hour every week or a con­cen­tra­ted work­shop at the weekend- just as you like.

where you want

our tea­chers are spread all over Ber­lin and the les­sons can also take place online. In Ger­man or English.

our topics

The con­tents descri­bed here can be free­ly com­bi­ned with each other accor­ding to your inte­rests and pri­or knowledge:

Are you interested in our 1:1 lessons? Then write to us:


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