Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi pro­vi­des an extre­me­ly easy approach to making music with code. It has a fri­end­ly inter­face that can be adapt­ed to indi­vi­du­al needs and enables a very low-thres­hold ent­ry into pro­gramming through the design of sound. But it goes far bey­ond that. when used pro­per­ly, it can beco­me a powerful instru­ment with count­less musi­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties. This makes it inte­res­t­ing for anyo­ne who wants to look bey­ond the box of rea­dy-made tools to design musi­cal pro­ces­ses accor­ding to their own ide­as. Sonic Pi is very fle­xi­ble, allows a wide varie­ty of musi­cal styl­es and expe­ri­ments and can be con­nec­ted to a wide varie­ty of exter­nal hard­ware and other programs.

Sonic Pi is free and runs on all major com­pu­ter ope­ra­ting systems.