"the sound of the future" - electroacoustic music

An insight into the world of elec­troa­cou­stic music can be gai­ned through audio samples, dis­cus­sions and prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es. In addi­ti­on, lev offers pro­jects in the form of edu­ca­tio­nal work­shops or sound instal­la­ti­ons on the sub­ject. The fol­lo­wing con­tent can be focu­sed on:

  • histo­ry and emer­gence of elec­troa­cou­stic music
  • pio­neers and their works
  • deve­lo­p­ment of sound syn­the­sis and recor­ding technologies
  • sam­pling tech­ni­ques: from the tape machi­ne to the computer
  • the 5 "Lis­tening Modes" by Pierre Schaeffer
  • con­nec­tion to other art forms such as film, dance and performance
  • inter­ac­tions with other styl­es of music such as jazz, rock and pop
  • the cur­rent situa­ti­on of elec­troa­cou­stic music
  • the sound of the future?