sound synthesis
Electronic sounds can be heard everywhere and all the time. they are also increasingly influencing other than electronic music styles (e.g. rock music or hip-hop). In addition, however, electronic processes also have a general significance for our musical culture, in that they refer to the physical and mathematical roots of music.
Die mathematische Beschreibung von Klängen ermöglicht es auch, komplexe Klangstrukturen zu analysieren und zu reproduzieren. Zum Beispiel können spezielle Algorithmen und Tools verwendet werden, um die Klangcharakteristik eines realen Instruments zu erfassen und in einen Synthesizer zu importieren, so dass dieser dann den Klang des Instruments nachahmen kann. Mögliche Inhalte:
- Descriptive introduction to vibration theory and Fourier analysis
- Analysis, synthesis and resynthesis of different sounds
- Seeing and understanding sounds in the oscilloscope
- Synthesis to create (hyper)realistic instrumental sounds
- Re-synthesis of audio recordings to create "surreal shadow sounds"